Monday, January 10, 2011

Is There Any Way to Tell If a Man Has Had Thoughts of You Romantically? Solve This Mystery Now

To love and be loved in return is a feeling that all human beings crave for. And so if you're eyeing a man yet you're not quite sure if he's been thinking romantic thoughts of you, here's how to tell:

He eagerly pays attention.
No amount of distraction could peel away this man's eyes from you. He's too eager to hear what you need to say. You would also observe that he seems to have this glazed expression on his face as he looks up at you.

He asks for information about you.
Either he asks this directly from you or he would ask your closest friends to tell him any data concerning you. He's interested in knowing what your dreams and ambitions are, what you do with your spare time, and what activities you engage into.

He willingly escorts you around.
He chauffeurs for you; he even goes out of his way to carry your luggage and shopping bags; he's also the one who's out to open doors for you. No, he's not your slave, he's only trying to prove that he's the ultimate gentleman.

He always singles you out.
Since this guy is already consumed of romantic thoughts of you, he will do all he can to show you how much he cares each time he's given an opportunity to demonstrate his feelings. He is intimate with you but is just plain friendly with all other people.

He'll coax you to go out with him.
He will tell you all about the places that he has visited and that he's aching to take you to. He will come up with picnic expeditions and weekend getaways just so he could entice you to go with him.

You'll see him flirt.
Since his thoughts are of you, he will see to it that he'll win you with his flirting techniques. He would preen and impress you with everything that's lovable about him. He also won't be able to resist touching you because he's so consumed with his bottled feelings for you.

He'll detest competition.
If other guys start to get near you, this guy will try to take you away from them. He'll also make sure that you would be engrossed with him so that you won't be tempted to look at his competitors. In fact! You will see him getting jealous even if you talk to any other guys when he is around.

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