Thursday, December 30, 2010

Do You Have To Be Beautiful To Win a Man's Love?

Do you really have to be beautiful to win a mans love? Of course not. Society has convinced us that we need to look a certain way in order to win a mans heart. From the commercials you see on TV to the ads on the Internet and in magazines women are shown an unrealistic example of how to look if we want a man. Why would they do this? Could it be because they want to sell us something to help us attain "the look" which for most women is impossible. If we fall for this lie two things happen. We make them money and we make ourselves miserable. If you're still with me read on to learn what I've discovered is really important to a man.
Men need something more than themselves: There are exceptions to just about everything in life but for most men they fill empty without a women. Men need someone they can share their life, thoughts and feelings with. Men are not looking for some beautiful super model but a women who also wants to share a lifetime of passion and memories together. Fact is most men are intimidated by a women whose most important feature is her looks. By sharing yourself with your man and allowing him to also share you can create a strong bond that has very little to do with physical attraction.

Men want what they can't have: If you are having trouble getting a mans love you might be trying to hard. Sometimes playing hard to get can be the answer. Men are notorious for wanting what they cannot have. If you appear to be distant and uninterested if only a little bit your man might began to take notice and wonder what is going on. He might just begin to look at you in a new light and be more receptive to you.
Men want what is real: While it may appear otherwise a real man, one you want to spend time with will appreciate the real thing. He most likely will want to spend time with you if you are genuine and not superficial. If you try to be something you are not chances are your man will see right through you and wonder what else you are hiding. Men find a women who knows who she is and what she is about very sexy. Be yourself and watch the way he acts differently around you.

The old saying 'beauty is more than skin deep" is certainly true so be yourself. Don't fall for what society says is beautiful, show interest in your man, act with confidence and watch your man fall in love with the real you.
If love is the ice cream, sex is the cherry on top and you deserve the best sex possible.

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